Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2011

All I got.


Rose Box (mein erstes Werkstück)
12,5 x 7 x 5,5 cm, Decoupage & Wasserfarben, lackiert
€ 30,-

Box "Green Colours"
18 x 12 x 9 cm, außen Decoupage, innen Acryl, lackiert
€ 35,-

Box "Green, Red & Yellow",
 12 x 18 x 8 cm, Decoupage und Acryl, lackiert
€ 35,-

Frame "Bird House"
12 x 17 cm, Decoupage, Rückseite Acryl, lackiert
€ 12,-

Frame "Ornament"
12 x 17 cm, Decoupage, Rückseite Acryl (weiß), lackiert
€ 12,-

Frame "Roses"
12 x 17 cm, Decoupage, Kanten weiß, Acryl, lackiert
€ 12,-

Frame "Green Colours"
12 x 17 cm, Decoupage, Acryl (grüne Kanten), lackiert
€ 12,-

20 cm, Decoupage
€ 17,-

I know, the background of my pics is not the best, but that's all I got at the moment. I hope you like my work - CONTACT ME if you want to have one of these items at YOUR HOME, I'll send them to you or pass by and give them to you (probably for a nice chat'n'coffee), because actually I want to go outside INTO THE WORLD and not cling to the web, which is not real at all.

More to come next time!

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